Jupiter Design Technologies (JDT) is a leader in the field of electronics manufacturing services. JDT is focused at providing complete end-to-end manufacturing solutions to technology companies around the globe.Our services include cutting-edge product designing, engineering, manufacturing, assembling, testing and post-manufacturing. With operations extending around the globe, JDT is approved as a quality technology provider by numerous leading organizations in the world.

Jupiter started with catering PCB layout designs and supply of Fabricated pcbs for both commercial and MIL / Space application features. To offer a total solutions and to give service to the customers, Jupiter gone one more steps to handle End-to-End solution from board designs till card level testing in Embedded and FPGA designs .

APS Development in FPGA design
Electronic Radar Development Establishment (LRDE-DRDO) & BEL

LEOS Earth Sensor Division offered an project called APS Development in FPGA design.It is a BGA Technology board using Xilinks processor for testing a chip called APS module through Ethernet, CAN and RS232 for communication.The FPGA forms the core of Electronic Radar Development board .

Tools & Skill Set

Jupiter has Licensed PCB tools ( Software) to compete the Global level market for various types of Organizations of different technologies of Present and future requirements for the clients

  • OrCAD is a tool for Schematic Entry , Library creation , placement , routing and gerber generation
  • Cadence Allegro for Library creation , placement , routing, EMI / EMC & Signal Integrity, generation of Gerber , design files and reports.
  • PADS PR SUIT 2008 for Library creation , placement , routing, Signal Integrity, generation of Gerber , design files and reports.
  • Zuken CADSTAR for Schematic Entry , Library creation , placement , routing and Gerber generation, color plots and printouts from A4 TO A0 size.
  • Hardware Test Programs of Xilinks products for FPGA Development and System level projects.
  • CAM 350 for Gerber editing, modification, NC drill generation to handle third party inputs to match their requirements.